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Difference Between Java vs JavaScript

Difference Between Java vs JavaScript

Many people think that since JavaScript has "Java" in its name they are both related in some way. While many codes groan at this coupling and many felt that this confusion of words was only part of the marketing gimmick, the history of these two popular programming languages ​​met briefly during Netscape's early days.

The emergence of two editing languages ​​took various forms from that point onwards that there is a common joke that Java is in JavaScript as ham is a hamster. But if you are reading this article, you are probably interested in a very useful explanation for these two popular languages, so let me compare the two.

What Is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a scripting language that is used to make web pages interactive. It can insert dynamic text into HTML. JavaScript is also known as the browser language. JavaScript (JS) is not the same as or not related to Java. Java and JavaScript ​​have C like a syntax and are widely used in Web applications on the client and server-side, but there are only a few similarities.

What Is Java?

Java is an object-oriented programming language and has a virtual machine platform that allows you to create compiled programs that work on almost all platforms. Java has promised, "Write Once, Run Anywhere".

Java vs JavaScript Discussed In The Table Below:

Basic Of Comparison Java Javascript
OOPS Java is an object-oriented language that uses objects to perform any specific actions based on relations between objects. JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language that uses objects which are similar to Java.
Scope Java uses block-based scoping where the variable goes out of scope once control comes out of a block. JS is mostly used on different web browsers and completely relies on CSS and HTML due to which it's not available globally. JS uses function-based scoping as the variable can be accessed in function.
Running Platform Java applications and programs run in Java virtual machine (JVM) which required installing JRE and JDK on a system. JS web applications run on a web browser and no need for any initial setup.
Mobile Applications Old applications of mobile phones are mostly written in Java and smartphone platforms like Android and Symbian also support Java. Using JavaScript we can develop mobile applications but there are a few limitations as we need to use 3rd party tools like PhoneGap to convert it to native programming code which mobile platform/OS can execute.
Learning Curve Java has extensive documentation, online sources, online forums, communities from which one can learn easily. If we want to build applications and programming we can learn Java. JavaScript also has an extensive list of online sources, documentation, online forums, and communities by which one can easily learn as we can see its execution in the browser immediately. If we want to make web applications we can learn JavaScript.
Compilation Java programs are compiled and interpreted as it is a programming language. Whereas JavaScript is interpreted as it is a scripting language with a plain text code.
Support Java is supported by most of the operating systems as almost every operating system supports it. JavaScript is supported by many web browsers that come with different OS and web developers can directly create scripts using JavaScript as it will be straightforward.
Syntax Java language syntax is similar to C or C++ programming language. Java program will be in objects and classes. JS language syntax is pretty similar to the C programming language but naming conventions are similar to Java programming language.

Java vs JavaScript Major Similarities:

As they are separated, there is a high level of similarity, which should be noted, especially when you look at web application development when comparing Java vs JavaScript.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Java and JavaScript ​​require an engineer to enter the code for objects and their relationships in the context of something else. By extension, it gives Java and JavaScript ​​access to technologies such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Front-end development: Java and JavaScript ​​can be used in aspects of front-end development. JavaScript can be embedded directly in HTML, which is used as a framework or library.

Back-end development: Java and JavaScript ​​can be used on the server-side. Java has long been used to enable back-end technologies such as Apache, JBoss, and WebSphere. Node.js has become a start pad for JavaScript-enabled servers.

Java vs JavaScript Interesting Facts and Stats :

  • Java's main name was "Oak" and was converted to Java by Sun's marketing department into "Java" when they found the name registered with a computer company.
  • Java programming language is created by accident. About 1992, James Gosling worked for Sun Labs. He and his team built a set-top box which was started by "cleaning" the C ++ language and they were all injured in a new programming language called Java or at that time: Oak.
  • Java is the second most popular language and is very popular with web developers.
  • Java programming language does not have a Pointer concept as adding pointers to Java programming language can impair security and durability, making this programming language very difficult.
  • In Java, the true meaning of the word Final is not final. It has different meanings to Java. It can be a final method, a final variable, a final class, or a final field.
  • Java is used by 95% of businesses as their first programming language. It is much higher than C and other programming languages.
  • In one year, Java was downloaded about a billion times.
  • Java operates more than 1 billion as Google's Android operating system uses Java APIs.


A new program student will learn that both Java and JavaScript are logical programming languages ​​that will be added to their encoding record. In fact, many say that learning Java and JavaScript ​​quickly is a very wise step for a new system. Without a doubt, Java and JavaScript under a belt will provide more employment and services to the coder and create more lucrative off-road employment opportunities.


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